In the archive I've provided there was a wrong filename, it's
corrected and attached again with the pd example.
Mathieu Bouchard a écrit :
> On Tue, 6 Jan 2009, Patrice Colet wrote:
>> how do you get a specific selected object with using [objectcount]?
> You don't, you have to make a new class very similar to [objectcount],
> that's all.
> #include <m_pd.h>
> #include "g_canvas.h"
> typedef struct {t_object o; t_canvas *c;} t_objectselect;
> static t_class *objectselect_class;
> t_pd *objectselect_new (void) {
> t_objectselect *self = (t_objectselect *)pd_new(objectselect_class);
> self->c=canvas_getcurrent();
> return (t_pd *)self;
> }
> void objectselect_float(t_objectselect *self, t_float f) {
> glist_noselect(self->c);
> int i=0; t_gobj *o = self->c->gl_list;
> for (; o; i++, o=o->g_next) if (i==(int)f) break;
> if (o) glist_select(self->c,o);
> }
> void objectselect_setup (void) {
> objectselect_class=class_new(gensym("objectselect"),
> (t_newmethod)objectselect_new,0,sizeof(t_objectselect),0,0);
> class_addfloat(objectselect_class,objectselect_float);
> }