Well, something like this:
Create and move freely the points that form the "broken line" (even though
it looks smooth) with the mouse by clicking in a nice GUI with many visual
and data handling options and functions (zoom, colors, cut-copy-paste, undo
are just a few that come to my mind rapidly).
Also with the mouse, set the smoothness factor of each point (that would
affect the concavity of the adjacent lines).
By double clicking in a point, an exact value of coordinates could be
entered by text.
In addition, it could have a text-based-point-creation control panel, where
could be set the coordinates where the point will be created.
Finally, a "export to text file" function with selectable resolution. (May
be a "send to PD + "arrayname"" would be ok too)
This is what comes to my mind. May be it's too much. Should I try to build
this in PD or I should use another language? In that case, which one?