Pd-list January 2009

  • 140 participants
  • 197 discussions
reading colors from txt file with repeat
by punchik punchik 22 Jan '09

22 Jan '09
doco on iem_bin_ambi?
by e deleflie 22 Jan '09

22 Jan '09

22 Jan '09
listing of latest successful builds
by Hans-Christoph Steiner 22 Jan '09

22 Jan '09

22 Jan '09
Pd-extended 0.41.4 nightlies now available
by Hans-Christoph Steiner 22 Jan '09

22 Jan '09
saxophone/truphet/trabone -LIKE sound in pd
by errordeveloper@gmail.com 22 Jan '09

22 Jan '09
aka.wiiremote object for os x
by Florian Krebs 21 Jan '09

21 Jan '09
5 11
0 0
Nightly Build question
by Mike McGonagle 21 Jan '09

21 Jan '09
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