Pd-list August 2008

  • 101 participants
  • 156 discussions

26 Aug '08
14 31
0 0
Csound opcode Moogladder to Pd?
by Anton Hörnquist 26 Aug '08

26 Aug '08
Avoiding clipping with tabread4
by PSPunch 25 Aug '08

25 Aug '08

25 Aug '08
'pure' pd DSP abstractions wanted!
by Anton Hörnquist 25 Aug '08

25 Aug '08
by mik 25 Aug '08

25 Aug '08
limit CPU usage
by Ignacio Viano 25 Aug '08

25 Aug '08
multiblob for multitouch on macosx?
by punchik punchik 24 Aug '08

24 Aug '08
stereo vision - disparity
by olsen wolf 24 Aug '08

24 Aug '08

24 Aug '08
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