hello all
i stumbled across a new (and very appreciated!) behaviour of
in previous versions of pd (< 0.40), when banged, [tabwrite~] started to
record on the next block-boundary. when used together with a
[metro]/[del]-[vline~] construction, this lead to a time shift, because
[vline~] started the ramp somewhere between block-boundaries.
now (at least in pd 0.40.2) i noticed, that this behaviour has changed
and [tabwrite~] seems to use the same scheduler (or however this
mechanism is called) like [vline~]. i couldn't find any documentation
about that in the release notes.
i wonder, if more objects have changed their behaviour. i am especially
interested to know, if and which osclillator-objects also changed
behaviour for their phase-inlets. this would make it possible to use
[vline~] as a ramp generator while staying synched for each trigger.
(e.g. interesting for creating bassdrums).
i attached a patch to show the behaviour of [tabwrite~ ]