We should keep this on the list since other people besides me can
answer this question, perhaps quicker too, and it might be of general
On Jun 24, 2006, at 8:17 AM, David Merrill wrote:
> HC -
> Apologies for the delay in putting my code into the CVS - I was in
> the middle of generals exams, and had to freeze all other projects
> until I finished. Now that I've finished (as of the end of last
> week), I'm back to hacking on PD stuff.
No problem, glad its in there.
> So, I've now put my external, called "input_noticer" into the CVS.
> It has a few dependencies, which are in the README, and my more
> recent install of Ubuntu (dapper) seems to have broken something
> about the hal/dmesg communication, meaning that my joysticks no
> longer automatically show up as /dev/input/eventX nodes when I plug
> them in. So I'm waiting for that to un-break, and you may want to
> wait a bit before spending any time looking at this code.
> In the meantime, I've been trying to use "mknod" to get my
> joysticks working recently, and the nodes that I made with mknod
> don't seem to be recognized by linuxjoystick.. (it prints "using 0
> relative axes, 0 absolute axes, and 0 buttons") Do you think the
> new [HID] will work?
[linuxjoystick]? I haven't thought about that object in a long
while. It should work fine with and /dev/input/eventX device, as
long as the format hasn't changed too much in the 2.6 kernel. [hid]
uses the same thing, but should work on 2.6 kernels too (did I
finally fix the 2.6 bugs for good?). I can't say I've seen a problem
with mknod devices, I have made /dev/input/eventX devices manually,
but it was a while ago. I definitely had them working.
> thanks,
> -David
> Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> So I am in the midst of a major upgrade to the [hid] object. One
>> thing that you should like is a total overhaul of how to can
>> specify devices to open. Like this:
>> open by number: [open 1(
>> open by type: [open mouse 2( [open joystick 0(
>> open by vendor/product ID: [open 0x204f 0x0210(
>> I have this all working on Mac OS X, so GNU/Linux is next. It
>> sounds like you already have the code to do this on GNU/Linux, so
>> I'd like to incorporate it. But I couldn't find the source
>> anywhere, is it in CVS yet?
>> .hc
>> _____________________________________________________________________
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>> "[W]e have invented the technology to eliminate scarcity, but we
>> are deliberately throwing it away to benefit those who profit from
>> scarcity."
>> -John Gilmore
Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to
realize his wishes. Now that he can realize them, he must either
change them, or perish. -William Carlos Williams