Pd-list October 2006

  • 122 participants
  • 199 discussions
Re: [PD] split object, which library uses??
by IOhannes m zmoelnig 30 Oct '06

30 Oct '06
Re: [PD] Select Object on Mouse Click with GEM
by Hans-Christoph Steiner 29 Oct '06

29 Oct '06
Re: [PD] Latency Glitches
by Cypod 29 Oct '06

29 Oct '06
Firewire interfaces and PD?
by padovani 29 Oct '06

29 Oct '06
error: inlet: no method for 'list'
by gilberto bernardes 29 Oct '06

29 Oct '06
Re: [PD] Audio segmentation
by robbert van hulzen 29 Oct '06

29 Oct '06
trying to compile flext on windows
by Yvan Vander Sanden 29 Oct '06

29 Oct '06
launching tcl/tk scripts from pd
by Federico 28 Oct '06

28 Oct '06
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