Is anyone aware of any externals that would allow me receive emails
directly into pd or would I have to write a script that would somehow
pipe them into a text file from an email client? I'm using linux. Thanks.
Thank you for your suggestion. I appreciate your help.I tried the options
and now I am getting only one error,
When I gave the following option:
/root/Thesis/pd-0.36-0/bin/pd -nomidi -noaudio -lib /root/Thesis/pdp-0.9/pdp
-lib /root/Thesis/pidip-0.9.3/pidip
I got the message as
PDP: pure data packet
PDP: version 0.9
/root/Thesis/pidip-0.9.3/pidip.pd_linux: undefined symbol:
/root/Thesis/pidip-0.9.3/pidip: can't load library
Then I gave this option
/root/Thesis/pd-0.36-0/bin/pd -nomidi -noaudio -lib /root/Thesis/pdp-0.9/pdp
-lib /root/Thesis/pidip-0.9.3/pidip.pd_linux
and got message as
PDP: pure data packet
PDP: version 0.9
/root/Thesis/pidip-0.9.3/pidip.pd_linux: can't load library
So please suggest me some solution. I appreciate your help. Is there any
tutorial available to for pidip, like how to load patches?, How to give
input? and how to see output? I know that I have very less time available
and I have to try it fast. But my requirement is just to show the tracking
of moving object on the screen.
I appreciate your help.
With regards,
Gift yourself a holiday. Treat your family like royalty.
[makesymbol] from the zexy library does this.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: enrike(a) []
> Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 3:46 AM
> To: pd-list(a)
> Subject: [PD] creating a dinamic path
> hi,
> i need to save several samples, setting the save path dynamicly.
> the path i need to create should be something like:
> ../files/myvariablefoldername/sounds/avariablenumber-sample
> I used makefilename to set the variable folder name, but the
> problem comes with the file name. They are called 0-sample, 1-
> sample and so on.
> So i need to format a "string" with two variables but as far as i can
> see makefilename only allows for one.
> i don't know how to do this or if this is possible. maybe some
> external? but i would like to avoid externals if the language allows
> me some way to achive this by its own means.
> thanks
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> Scanned for viruses on 16 Jun 2003 09:54:21
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sorry, i'm still away, spain's so cool..
but this suggestion from Michael is a must-do....
next, there are some other problems to come
like loading patches, but well, follow the tutorial....
> Hi,
> try this:
> /root/Thesis/pd-0.36-0/bin/pd -lib /root/Thesis/pdp-0.11.1/pdp
> yours
> Michael
> plankton labs
Am Son, 2003-06-15 um 22.30 schrieb supriya kher:
> Hi,
> I desparately need help in running pidip software. I installed all necessary
> softwares for pidip
> like pd, pdp, ffmpeg, libquick........... Now I am trying to launch pdp and
> pidip libraries .
> I gave the following command,
> /root/Thesis/pd-0.36-0/bin/pd -lib /root/Thesis/pdp-0.11.1/pdp.pd_linux -lib
> /root/Thesis/pidip-0.9.3/pidip.pd_linux
> But it is giving the error that cannot load libraries, then it is starting
> the
> pd. I do not know, how to specify input/ how to see output. I am intersted
> in
> tracking an object in mpeg2 file. For that I need to read mpeg2 file using
> pdp_live.c routine and run pdp_mgrid.c routine to see the coordinates.
> The deadline for my work is following week. I need help urgently. I would
> appreciate your help.
> _________________________________________________________________
> Chill out. Win a Himalayan holiday!
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PD-list mailing list
I desparately need help in running pidip software. I installed all necessary
softwares for pidip
like pd, pdp, ffmpeg, libquick........... Now I am trying to launch pdp and
pidip libraries .
I gave the following command,
/root/Thesis/pd-0.36-0/bin/pd -lib /root/Thesis/pdp-0.11.1/pdp.pd_linux -lib
But it is giving the error that cannot load libraries, then it is starting
pd. I do not know, how to specify input/ how to see output. I am intersted
tracking an object in mpeg2 file. For that I need to read mpeg2 file using
pdp_live.c routine and run pdp_mgrid.c routine to see the coordinates.
The deadline for my work is following week. I need help urgently. I would
appreciate your help.
Chill out. Win a Himalayan holiday!
I read:
> i don't think that emulating such a chip is hard but the way to
> handle the "instruments", the chip is not the most important part as
> the "power" of its sound has been mainly due to the trackers that were
> controlling it (ADSR, LFO, "oldskool effects" ...)
would be great if someone turned this into an external, how about
the stella soundsystem next ?
chris(a) Postmodernism is german romanticism with better special effects. (Jeff Keuss / via
I am trying to load pidip. when I try to launch pdp, pidip libraries I get
the following error.
couldn't open MIDI input device 1
couldn't open MIDI output device 1
opened 0 MIDI input device(s) and 0 MIDI output device(s).
/dev/dsp (read/write): No such device
(now will try write-only...)
/dev/dsp (writeonly): No such device
error: OSS: SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS failed /dev/dsp
/root/Thesis/pdp-0.11.1/pdp.pd_linux: can't load library
/root/Thesis/pidip-0.9.3/pidip.pd_linux: can't load library
audio I/O stuck... closing audio
Also I do not know how to use pd, but my project involves just running pidip
package and see the output of pdp_mgrid.c routine by the coming week, i.e.
maximum by thursday. I want to track the coordinates of the moving object in
a mpeg file. Will anybody please guide me? I would appreciate your help.
Waiting eagerly for your reply.
Supriya Kher
Smile a little. Enjoy the summer with Joggers' Park!
will most probably be there this year..
still trying to coordinate time+space etc..
are you interested in holding patcher workshops?
can speak to some peeps about it?
i know there is already space allocated for
rt/audio/video/stuff but can't elaborate any further..
would be v.interested in melding ideas..
Chris McCormick wrote:
> Hey,
> Any pure-data people gonna be at electrofringe in Australia this year?
> Chris.
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> chris(a)
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