I am (yes I admit it) looking for a way to play soundfont intruments
within PD.
I couldn't find any mention in the list archives, so I assume this there
is as of yet not an extern to do this.
It looks to me like it should be pretty easy to make a PD extern based
on iiwu for this. There is already source code a jMax version of iiwu,
and using that as a guide, it seems like it wouldn't be a major project
to do the same for PD. In fact, I might do it myself, but first I want
to make sure that there isn't already an iiwu extern for PD that I'm not
aware, nor any other soundfont-player extern.
Indidently, I notice that on the iiwu to-do list is a LAPSDA version,
and I'm curious about how this could work, given the LAPSDA architecture
of only accepting control inputs which presumbably are sampled at the
host's audio scan rate. I guess what I am asking, is how you would make
a LAPSDA midi-synth plugin - what would the intputs be? Control inputs
for both midi key and velocity perhaps? Doesn't seem like that's in the
spirit of what LAPSDA is intended to do? How would you trigger
simultaneous note-on's for example? Oops, getting off topic here.
Larry Troxler