It seems that PD crashes if there are too long overruns (not enough CPU
power) on linux i386.
Just few minutes ago I was patching PD 0.30 with the CPU at 90% then
some glitches produced by the movement on the mouse ( when you move some
selected items in edit mode ) have crashed PD.
I get with "ps" command :
15688 p0 R 81:47 ./pd -frags 4 -audiobuf 1024 -lib ggext
15689 p0 Z 0:26 (pd-gui <zombie>)
"kill -9" is useless do you know how to remove them without rebooting ?
Similary I had problems with the deamon "crond" because it executes
various commands which can take a lot of CPU power and make PD crash.
Since I am reporting some problems, there is another thing that can
crash PD...
I have 2 PC each running PD and linked together with "netsend" and
"netreceive". The problem is if I instantiate, on the machine which
receives datas, a patch saved on disk inside the patch i am editing, it
crashes PD.
Francois Ernst