What is your biggest patch?
I found the more objects I have, the higher the CPU is. This is the CPU
when audio is turned off and there are no control messages.
The patch I'm trying to extend is somewhere between 25,000 and 27,000
objects. (using grep obj to count em)
I did notice that it does not matter if they are "real" objects (solid
outline) or if they are objects that did not get created (with a dotted
outline). This is strange as I imagine that the source of the "baseline"
cpu problem could be pointers, but I thought dotted objects, not real
objects, should not have any associated pointers, so they should not
contribute to the CPU...
I could not get gprof to work with PD, so I'm going to give it another
try with oprofile, but it may have to wait until next week.
Oh and I'm running this patch on a AMD64 3200+