...I've been trying to get [pix_freeframe] to work, but no luck: I
keep get bad memory accesses! I just don't know much in the way of
unix string tricks :-( Here's what I was trying:
char *extension=
#ifdef __WIN32__
#elif defined __APPLE__
int fd=-1;
// Hoops to jump thru for apple's bundle structure :-(
#ifdef __APPLE__
strcat(extension, "/");
strcat(extension, pluginname);
if ((fd=open_via_path(canvas_getdir(getCanvas())->s_name,
pluginname, extension, buf2, &bufptr, MAXPDSTRING, 1))>=0){
...my first thought is just to see if we can append ".frf/
nameOfPlugin", which would be a symbolic link to the more deeply
buried binary in the bundle...if that works, that'd be fine, but if
not, we could try appending ".frf/Versions/A/nameOfPlugin", which is
the explicit bundle location...