Hello all,
I've been making some GUIs for myself and was looking at some of the else library to see how it was done. Specifically this pad.c file. https://github.com/porres/pd-else/blob/master/Classes/Source/pad.c
I was wondering, how would one bind messages to just the GUI object in general, rather than to specific tags? I've tried changing this line from dial_vis by removing the tag, but that doesn't seem to work. I only have a basic knowledge of tcl/tk, so I'm pretty sure I'll be missing something pretty basic and/or obvious.
Original: sys_vgui(".x%lx.c bind %lxBASE <ButtonRelease> {pdsend [concat %s _mouserelease \;]}\n", cv, x, x->x_bindname->s_name);
Removed Tag: sys_vgui(".x%lx.c bind %lx <ButtonRelease> {pdsend [concat %s _mouserelease \;]}\n", cv, x, x->x_bindname->s_name);
For context, I am trying to set up a system where I can assign a hotkey and use that to select/deselect the gui.