Sent this last one only to miller, so I am also sending here
On Mon, 6 May 2024 at 15:39 Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
adding signal comparison/logical operators seems like a very good feature addition
+ 1 for these objects in vanilla
maybe i missed why including them could be controversial - but to me, they seem like a natural part of the vanilla feature set and a valuable addition.
looking forward to this next release! :)
cheers, ben
Em ter., 7 de mai. de 2024 às 14:59, Benjamin Wesch <> escreveu:
There wasn't (at least up to now) any remark on why this could be 'controversial', and I can't see any 'controversy' either. Well, maybe this is something that Miller may think "it would be nice to have", but not an essential deal breaker, but I think it'd be natural and essential to have these basic math operators natively supported, specially because of the multichannel features now. I guess we can use [clone] with multichannel support and [expr~] to implement the same thing, but it'd be quite clumsy and way less efficient.
On 5/10/24 02:43, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
as this has been dangling for a few days, i would like to comment.
- i don't think there is much controversy about the suggested feature. - the proposed change is a *new feature* - from a release perspective, it might already be too late to add new features for 0.55.0 (somebody mentioned "last minute changes"; which *i* would not be the place for new features).
i am of course not the release manager of Pd, and do not decide what gets in and what not. i wrote this only to express that the non-inclusion of the desired feature might be simply a matter of unfortunate timing.
mdsr IOhannes
thanks for clarifying! possibly, using the term "controversial" was a bit unfortunate here. my thought simply was that adding these objects might contradict the aim of keeping the set of pd's native objects as reduced as possible after seeing that this PR has been sitting for a while already.
i wrote this only to express that the non-inclusion of the desired feature might be simply a matter of unfortunate timing.
all good - these objects would also be a great addition to future versions. :)
cheers, ben
Sure, I could have addressed that it may be 'too late' and I see it, but I guess I got hopeful with Miller saying "there is still lots to do", and I hope we could squeeze some more features in for the next tests and final releases.
I think I got a little spoiled that the last Pd releases have been filled with many amazing new goodies and I feel this one could have a tad bit more to keep things up :) but I can also see that sometimes we just have to wrap things up with what's there and call it an update... just cause it's time for an update...
Em sex., 10 de mai. de 2024 às 09:35, IOhannes m zmölnig escreveu:
Actually, I have quite a few other multi-channel PRs. I think Miller just didn't have time to review them. I guess we just have to wait for Pd 0.56 :)
PS: we should also discuss or make PRs for some other essential missing multichannel features, see
On 10.05.2024 18:10, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
Em sex., 10 de mai. de 2024 às 13:16, Christof Ressi escreveu:
Actually, I have quite a few other multi-channel PRs.
I think I mentioned them all, and then also listed the comparators later as an 'extra' goodie ;)