IMHO, the auto-build scripts are a big kludge, so I don't want to spend
more time on them. And did the bulk of writing them. :) We should use something like buildbot, but no one has set it up yet. If you are interested, that would be a great project to take on.
Sounds cool. I'd be interested in picking up this project if you can help me with the things i'm not so good at: the first is platforms. Buildbot seems something web-centered, and needs Twisted on the clients too. Twisted is installed by default with Ubuntu and MacOSX 10.5+, available for Windows and the rest goes from source. This means, at a first glance, that Mac 10.4, Fedora and every other Linux than Ubuntu, will need Twisted to be built or prebuilt, and i'm not sure about 64-bit platforms and PPC. Python will be needed to, i suppose it's more widely available. What do you think?
We should move this discussion to pd-dev so its archived and others can contribute/learn/follow. I hope you don't mind, I cc'ed pd-dev.
I think we can get twisted installed on 10.4 using Fink. Its included in Debian too. We'll need to install it manually on Windows, or however appropriate. That said, I am not married to buildbot, if you want to take on this project, feel free to research other options. There are some that are Java-based for example. I just remember builtbot sounding like the best back when I looked into it.
I have had the same impression, so i'm interested. It's just that we shall foresee what's foreseeable before jumping on it. So if anyone knows anything possibly better that Buildbot speak up. Java stuff, i'm not so much into it, but that's just me.
Any word on the possibility of buildbot or something else? I'd love to have a system where people could have their libraries built on all platforms separate from Pd-extended. Also, builds of the various git branches of 0.43 that are cropping up could be useful too.
Shall we start testing it, shant we? I could set up a master and a slave on my box, but it may be more straightforward to start setting up the master where it will really be. If you simply install buildbot on a server there and create a buildbot user i can take over from there. Otherwise i set them up all here. Let's test with a single source tree (and a single build slave) and when it works well we can add more. Seems like no changes or additions are needed to the source, just working out a huge config file on the master.
Ok, I messed with it a little bit but failed to see how to setup the server. Perhaps the best approach would be for you to develop the setup on your machine, then once its ready for testing, we can try it on one of the PdLab machines.
The buildbot user is created, but it doesn't allow logins.
By setup you mean installing buildbot or configuring it? When it is installed, you can leave the rest for me. I wish to start consiguring it right there, because most of the config is about accessing the sources and then the build slaves and those things would be totally different with everyhing on localhost. Can you let me ssh to the buildbot user? I've attached my key.