IMHO, the auto-build scripts are a big kludge, so I don't want to spend more time on them. And did the bulk of writing them. :) We should use something like buildbot, but no one has set it up yet. If you are interested, that would be a great project to take on.
Sounds cool. I'd be interested in picking up this project if you can help me with the things i'm not so good at: the first is platforms.
Buildbot seems something web-centered, and needs Twisted on the clients too. Twisted is installed by default with Ubuntu and MacOSX 10.5+, available for Windows and the rest goes from source. This means, at a first glance, that Mac 10.4, Fedora and every other Linux than Ubuntu, will need Twisted to be built or prebuilt, and i'm not sure about 64-bit platforms and PPC. Python will be needed to, i suppose it's more widely available.
What do you think?
We should move this discussion to pd-dev so its archived and others can contribute/learn/follow. I hope you don't mind, I cc'ed pd-dev.
I think we can get twisted installed on 10.4 using Fink. Its included in Debian too. We'll need to install it manually on Windows, or however appropriate. That said, I am not married to buildbot, if you want to take on this project, feel free to research other options. There are some that are Java-based for example. I just remember builtbot sounding like the best back when I looked into it.