** [patches:#517] Use all default search-paths for [declare]'s stdlib/stdpath**
**Status:** open
**Labels:** path
**Created:** Fri Nov 08, 2013 01:54 PM UTC by IOhannes m zmölnig
**Last Updated:** Fri Nov 08, 2013 01:54 PM UTC
**Owner:** Miller Puckette
the [declare] object allows to add search-paths and load libraries,
relative to the "Pd installation".
However, it does not honour the "standard" (immutable) search-paths
(as stored in `sys_staticpath`).
This patch will make '-stdpath' and '-stdlib' use all "standard" search-paths.
This allows to use [declare -stdlib zexy], which will load the "zexy"
library if it can be found in one of ~/pd-externals, /usr/local/lib/pd-externals
/usr/local/lib/pd/extra/ (in case Pd is installed in /usr/local), but it will not attempt to load "zexy" from a user-defined search path.
When using the "standard" search-paths, any leading "extra/" will be stripped (since '/path/to/pd/extra' *is* already the search-path), in order to keep compatible with the original implementation that required to use [declare -stdlib extra/zexy] (at least on *some* platforms)
the patch is against todays git (master branch); apply with "git am ..."
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Hey List,
I'm new here, so let me first introduce myself. I'm Bas Kooiker, an
Artificial Intellegence master student from the Netherland. For my thesis
I'm working on unsupervised gesture recognition and for this purpose I
would like to use the Gesture Variation Follower created by Baptiste
Caramiaux that can be found here:
That's where my question comes up.
I'm trying to build the pd object on a windows machine using the Makefile
that comes with the code. I use Cygwin, installed all the required packages
and have the last distribution of Pd-extended installed, but I get the
following error:
g++ -rdynamic -shared -L"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/pd/src"
-L"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/pd/bin" -o "gvf.dll" "gvf.o"
"../src/GestureVariationFollower.o" -lc -lpd
skipping incompatible /cygdrive/c/Program Files/pd/bin/pd.dll when
searching for -lpd
skipping incompatible /cygdrive/c/Program Files/pd/bin/pd.dll when
searching for -lpd
cannot find -lpd
collect2: fout: ld gaf exit-status 1 terug
Makefile:270: recept voor doel 'gvf.dll' is mislukt
make: *** [gvf.dll] Fout 1
Any help with solving this is very much appreciated.
Best regards,
Bas Kooiker
** [bugs:#1123] writesf~ and aiff files**
**Status:** open
**Labels:** writesf~ aiff
**Created:** Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:26 AM UTC by Anonymous
**Last Updated:** Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:26 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
Using writesf~, I am unable to write aiff files to disk that aren't empty or invalid. wav works perfectly. (Please see attached patch.)
Also it seems that with aiff files the user must specify the extension when defining the filename. For wav files this is given automatically. Doesn't seem very consistent.
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Still an ongoing issue on my Windows 7 x64 installation.
OpenGL doesn't render if desktop window manager window compositing (fancy 3d window styling) is turned off.
Some other applications have also had problems with this, and I thought it's a Windows bug, however, it is starting to look like it is a documented feature change.
I need to have openGL rendering without desktop composition.
So far, I could ask if the following information is related to the problem?
And an extract from the above document:
On Windows Vista and newer Windows operating systems, there is a component known as the Desktop Window Manager (DWM) which has a special mode called "Desktop Composition" that draws windows into offscreen buffers and then composites them. It does this to provide new visual effects such as live window previews in the Alt+Tab screen.
>A consequence of this new architecture is that you cannot draw single buffered applications (in windowed mode anyway) the same way you could in Windows XP (or in Windows Vista+ with Desktop Composition disabled). In a nutshell, the DWM uses a copy of your render context's back buffer for composition. You should switch to double buffered drawing.
>To use double buffered drawing in GLUT, you would use GLUT_DOUBLE instead of GLUT_SINGLE in your call to glutInitDisplayMode (...). Additionally, you need to replace your calls to glFlush (...) with glutSwapBuffers (...).
Someone told me that this might have been done already, but
I couldn't find anything.
So here is patch for it:
Code is quite clean, but it uses some global variables to keep state
while execution shifts
between the wish process and the pd process. But I guess it could be
difficult to implement
it in any less confusing way...
For Radium, this is necessary in order to be able to copy and paste
between pd objects [1],
but it could also be a nice feature if you run several pd instances
[1] Radium runs a new wish process for every pd object.
** [feature-requests:#135] feature request for objects**
**Status:** open
**Created:** Tue Oct 15, 2013 08:47 PM UTC by BAUDRY Olivier
**Last Updated:** Tue Oct 15, 2013 08:47 PM UTC
**Owner:** Miller Puckette
1) create midii object with One input one output
2) create midiinfo object
3) create umenu object
4) add a possibility to modify argument of one object when you change the police size ( actually not working)
5) create umenu object
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** [bugs:#1121] encounter crash with popup object on pd extended 0.43.4**
**Status:** open
**Created:** Tue Oct 15, 2013 08:38 PM UTC by BAUDRY Olivier
**Last Updated:** Tue Oct 15, 2013 08:38 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
1)Copy popup object from popup-help.pd in new patcher
2)Pd extended crash
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** [bugs:#1119] PD 0.43.4-extended on OS X 10.8.5 very borken**
**Status:** open
**Labels:** OS X
**Created:** Sun Oct 13, 2013 02:49 PM UTC by steve steiner
**Last Updated:** Sun Oct 13, 2013 02:49 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
Major problems on 10.8.5 MacBook Pro.
Open preferences, have to reset to defaults to get dialog to close, other buttons do nothing.
Help browser won't open any of the .pd files i.e. following instructions in "Start Here" gets the three panes open, but clicking, pressing enter, clicking "+", nothing will actually open the file.
Stopping here, there's really nothing to do with the app at this point.
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