the other question that is tightly related to the "unifying loglevels"
thread is, how to deal with "-verbose" resp "-noverbose".
currently the two concepts ("use of '-verbose'" vs "use of
logpost()/verbose()") are obviously in the same realm but somewhat
raising verbosity with "-verbose" will:
- (obviously) make Pd more chatty, regardless of loglevels.
e.g. some errors will only printed (as errors!) is "-verbose" is given
- verbose() is coupled with "-verbose", as it will only ever print
anything if the verbose level is not bigger than the number of
"-verbose" flags present.
e.g. "verbose(0)" (aka 'PD_DEBUG') will print if no "-verbose" is given
but "verbose(1)" (aka 'PD_VERBOSE') will only print if the "-verbose"
flag is present
and "verbose(2)" will only print if Pd is invoked with
double-verbosity "-verbose -verbose"
i actually think this is not a bad idea (barring the actual values, sede
the other thread), as "-verbose" might generate a sufficient amount of
traffic between Pd and Pd-GUI to choke the system. even if the output
isn't displayed (as the user just uses loglevel "2 normal").
i wonder, whether we should use the "-verbose" flag, to also suppress
logpost() messages.
there's two reasons:
- deprecate 'verbose()' in favour of 'logpost()' - so we only have to
deal with a single beast
- better control about what is displayed in "-stderr" mode.
when running Pd with "-nogui" (or "-stderr"), the terminal is currently
flooded with high-verbose messages (compared to the Pd-console).
obviously this is a hyperbole and depends on the actual patch. i do find
it annoying though
with the latter in mind, we might even use multiple "-noverbose" flags
to lower the verbosity (at least of the stderr) below post() - so that
only errors would be visible.
PS: i don't know whether there's a question in this mail. but the entire
verbose-handling is a bit annoying and i would like to make it easier to