hi hans,
i made a patch with code to check for a previous version of pd (but only
if this is in the same directory you want to install the new one to)
and offers the possibility to uninstall first.
Hans-Christoph Steiner schrieb:
> Ok, that's a good start! Could you generate a patch and send it to
> me? Its not hard if you have SVN installed. I'll bet TortoiseSVN or
> other GUIs can do it. From the command line, you would do this:
> cd pure-data/packages/win32_inno/
> svn diff pd-inno.iss.in > alwaysoverwrite.patch
> But the question I have, is that going to cause any problems? Like if a
> file is removed in a new release, and you install the new version over
> the old one, will that file still stay there, left over from the old
> release?
> I wonder how people deal with that, perhaps there is a way to compare
> two installers, and then configure the new installer to only delete the
> files that it must.
> Perhaps its better to continute this on pd-dev, so others can
> participate and its in the archive.
> .hc
> On Apr 21, 2009, at 5:40 PM, Georg Werner wrote:
>> hi,
>> i just gave it a shot ;)
>> i read the documentation and think i found the lines (in
>> pd-inno.iss.in) where the problem lies:
>> 341 Source: build\bin\*.*; DestDir: {app}\bin; Flags: ignoreversion
>> confirmoverwrite recursesubdirs uninsremovereadonly
>> 342 Source: build\doc\*.*; DestDir: {app}\doc; Flags: ignoreversion
>> confirmoverwrite recursesubdirs uninsremovereadonly; Attribs: readonly
>> i think the confirmoverwrite flag is causing the trouble -
>> alwaysoverwrite would be better in this case.
>> same in these lines:
>> 351 Source: build\lib*.dll; DestDir: {sys}; Flags: restartreplace
>> confirmoverwrite sharedfile
>> 352 Source: build\pthread*.dll; DestDir: {sys}; Flags: restartreplace
>> confirmoverwrite sharedfile
>> hope this helps
>> cheers
>> g.
>> Hans-Christoph Steiner schrieb:
>>> Hey,
>>> I forgot whether I mentioned this before. One thing that would
>>> improve the newbies experience using Pd-extended on Windows is to
>>> make sure that the installer works smoothly. It uses Inno Setup,
>>> which is a nice GUI program that is decently documented. Want to
>>> give that a shot?
>>> One specific complaint is that you have to uninstall Pd-extended
>>> before you can upgrade. It would be nice if it would automatically
>>> overwrite or uninstall the old copy.
>>> .hc
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to
>>> realize his wishes. Now that he can realize them, he must either
>>> change them, or perish. -William Carlos Williams
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "It is convenient to imagine a power beyond us because that means we
> don't have to examine our own lives.", from "The Idols of
> Environmentalism", by Curtis White
Index: pd-inno.iss.in
--- pd-inno.iss.in (revision 11314)
+++ pd-inno.iss.in (working copy)
@@ -364,3 +364,25 @@
;Source: build\portaudio\*.*; DestDir: {app}\portaudio; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs
;Source: build\src\*.*; DestDir: {app}\src; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs
;Source: build\tcl\*.*; DestDir: {app}\tcl; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs
+function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
+ ResultCode: Integer;
+ case CurPageID of
+ wpReady:
+ begin
+ if(FileExists(ExpandConstant('{app}\unins000.exe'))) then begin
+ if MsgBox('Found a previous Version of Pure Data at ' + ExpandConstant('{app} ') + #13#13 'Do you want to uninstall it first? (recommended)', mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO) = idYes then begin
+ if not Exec(ExpandConstant('{app}\unins000.exe'), '', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode) then
+ MsgBox('NextButtonClick:' #13#13 'The uninstall file could not be executed. ' + SysErrorMessage(ResultCode) + '.', mbError, MB_OK);
+ end;
+ end;
+ BringToFrontAndRestore();
+ MsgBox('NextButtonClick:' #13#13 'The normal installation will now start.', mbInformation, MB_OK);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := True;