I would like to incorporate the functionality in
externals/build/*/makefile into the Pd-extended build, i.e.
externals/Makefile. I would like to reorganize things so that we can
take advantage of the namespace. This would mean that file locations
would change. Plus, externals/Makefile builds for linux, darwin, and
MinGW, so externals/build/*/makefile would not be needed anymore.
Anyone can add Irix, BSD, etc. to externals/Makefile too, it should be
pretty easy. MSVC might be trickier unless it can follow UNIX-style
Besides the debian packaging, is anyone else relying on the current
setup? I want to break as little as possible in this process.
Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to
realize his wishes.
Now that he can realize them, he must either change them, or perish.
-William Carlos