Henning Haaland Kulander wrote:
The problem now is that the image is flipped vertically and horizontally and blue colors are green and vice versa. Do you have any idea why this is, and how it can be fixed? What format does GEM use to store the image?
flipping upside-down canbe done with the "upsidedown"-flag in the imageStruct-structure. the problem is, that openGL handles the upside-down orientation contrary to all other image-applications (1st pixel is lower-left edge instead of upper-left)
he other problem is BGR-colorspace (or BGRA) vs RGB(A). (pix_* processing in) Gem supports 3 different colorspaces: GL_RGBA, yuv422 (UYVY) and Greyscale (GL_LUMINANCE). the [pix_texture] just passes the current-colorspace to the renderer, thus supporting other formats like GL_BGR too.
however, the imageStruct-class has functions fromBGR(data) (and similar: like fromGrey()) to convert data into "native"-Gem-colourspace. how to use it ? 1. set-up the imageStruct correctly (xsize, ysize, format/csize/type can be handled with the setCsizeByFormat() finction - you only need to now the format this way) 2. get a pointer to the image-data you want to convert. unsigned char* bgr_data=<pointer to my BGR-data) shouldn`t be image.data; then call image.fromBGR(bgr_data); et voila.
however, great you have had a look on this. i will incorporate it when i am at home (in 0.5h)
mfg.asd.r IOhannes