hello, I've got a question regarding translormation matrix with gem.
I'm using some combination of translate/rotate/translate etc to draw some shape. At the end of this shape, I want to draw a cube by exemple. the problem is that I want to draw the cube to a defined orientation.
Ss The cube position if defined with lot's of diferent translate/rotate, I'm not able to know it's curent orientation. I don't "know" it's position too.
so, is it possible to imagine an object that could output the curent transformation matrix into the pd patch?
if it's not possible, does anyone know how could I solve my problem.
You can try glGetFloatv (GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX,data); where data is a pointer of type GLFloat. Use GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX if you are using projection. This might even be possible with the GEMgl objects?
Quoting cyrille henry cyrille.henry@la-kitchen.fr:
hello, I've got a question regarding translormation matrix with gem.
I'm using some combination of translate/rotate/translate etc to draw some shape. At the end of this shape, I want to draw a cube by exemple. the problem is that I want to draw the cube to a defined orientation.
Ss The cube position if defined with lot's of diferent translate/rotate, I'm not able to know it's curent orientation. I don't "know" it's position too.
so, is it possible to imagine an object that could output the curent transformation matrix into the pd patch?
if it's not possible, does anyone know how could I solve my problem.
GEM-dev mailing list GEM-dev@iem.at http://iem.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gem-dev
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that look exactly what I was looking for. thanks
unfortunatly, GEMglGetFloatv is not implemented. GEMglGetPointerv exist, but post something like :
glGetPointerv: not really implemented:: got data @ CDCDCDCD, what should i do with it?
Well. I fell exactly like this : what should I do with it. I had a look at the code, without success : there is too much things I don't understand. I made a GEMglGetFloatv coping the GEMglGetPointerv object. now, the question is : how do I set pname to GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX? how do I acces to the transformation matrix then?
does anybody else interested with a set of object like :
getTranstationXYZ -> 3 outlets corresponding of the X Y Z position of the curent gem_state
getRotationXYZ -> same with rotation
getScaleXYZ -> ...
setTranslationXYZ -> set translationXYZ without changing curent rotation/scale etc of the gemlist
I can see a lot of application of this objects.
If someone show me how to get the curent transformation matrix, I think (hope) I'll be able to program them...
thanks a lot Cyrille
chris clepper wrote:
You can try glGetFloatv (GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX,data); where data is a pointer of type GLFloat. Use GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX if you are using projection. This might even be possible with the GEMgl objects?
Quoting cyrille henry cyrille.henry@la-kitchen.fr:
hello, I've got a question regarding translormation matrix with gem.
I'm using some combination of translate/rotate/translate etc to draw some shape. At the end of this shape, I want to draw a cube by exemple. the problem is that I want to draw the cube to a defined orientation.
Ss The cube position if defined with lot's of diferent translate/rotate, I'm not able to know it's curent orientation. I don't "know" it's position too.
so, is it possible to imagine an object that could output the curent transformation matrix into the pd patch?
if it's not possible, does anyone know how could I solve my problem.
GEM-dev mailing list GEM-dev@iem.at http://iem.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gem-dev
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GEM-dev mailing list GEM-dev@iem.at http://iem.at/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gem-dev