I work with a patch where I read 3 video streams from v4l devices, created with the vloopback kernel module. These 3 streams are mapped on 3D objects wich I contol using midi. After updating to the latest Gem release this became very slow. They seem to play only one stream at the time. So fist object 1 plays for a sec or two, than stops and then object 2 starts playing for a sec or two, stops, an then object 3 and back to 1 again. I tested with only one stream, this works fine, but as soon as I open 2, they start to switch in playtime again. I tried down grading to 0.92.3, which was the stable when I designed this patch, but the result is the same. If I test the v4l stream with for example VLC the stream runs smooth.
I run pdextended 0.42.5 on a linux system with kernel 2.8.37 (after that vloopback is not supported anymore, cause it needs the v4l compat. support kernel option.) The video streams are generated with LiVES 1.4.4. It supports the vlooback output options. It is a UYV clamped stream, 280 pix wide:
*** Using vloopback plugin for fs playback, agreed to use palette type 519 ( UYVY:Y'CbCr (clamped) ).
I run this patch on intel with 6 cores and nvida card.
What could be the cause that just one stream at the time plays in GEM?
Regards, Harrie
Hello again,
I come to ask for help again, because I am getting desperate. I tried so many things, al version from 0.92.2 and up, and SVN build. I have tried compiling these with only gmerlin or quicktime or mpeg but all are not streaming 2 v4l devices at the same time. With or without sse2 or mmx does not seem to matter. It is a simple construction of two pix_video -> texture -> 3Dobject. And they seem not to be able to stream at the same time. I am sure it is not the streams, cause I can run more then 3 streams and play all of them at the same time through the vloopback device with xawtv. Only within pure data they seem to switch on each other. Like a semaphore, just one at the time plays the others freeze. All opengl, glew and direct rendering is there and working. And it should be working for sure: http://vimeo.com/20685278 What can I be doing wrong? Has anyone a suggestion in which corner to look or how to trace the problem?
I know I should hit my self in the head for not making a backup of my working binary's and will next time.
Regards, Harrie
On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 12:59 PM, Harrie Hoogeveen < harrie.hoogeveen@gmail.com> wrote:
Le 16/09/2011 14:04, Harrie Hoogeveen a écrit :
I don't know exactly what you do, but if you use stream, you can take a look at pdgst. Pdgst is GStreamer for Pure Data (and Gem). So you can use it for video loopback. Have a look on this list for more information about pdgst. However the behavior that you report with vloopback seems strange, i never had problem with Gem video object using different streams. Maybe a problem with videoV4L plug-in ? ++
On 2011-09-14 12:59, Harrie Hoogeveen wrote:
hmm, since v4l(1) has vanished from the kernel, i'm afraid i cannot do much testing right now.
I tried down grading to 0.92.3, which was the stable when I designed this patch, but the result is the same.
are you sure that you are using 0.92.3, after downgrade?
if indeed both 0.93 and 0.92 are affected by your issue, then the problem is likely to be outside of Gem...
If I test the v4l stream with for example VLC the stream runs smooth.
even when reading all 3 streams in parallel?
The video streams are generated with LiVES 1.4.4. It supports the vlooback output options. It is a UYV clamped stream, 280 pix wide:
does lives have an output option for v4l2loopback?
What could be the cause that just one stream at the time plays in GEM?
if the problem is indeed Gem (which might well be), then i would suspect some locking problems in the threading. try sending an [async 0/1( message.
fgmasdr IOhannes
I found a solution: If I down grade to kernel 2.6.36 it works fine. If I use kernel 2.6.37, it stutters and from 2.6.38 and up, v4l support is removed. That was the last part I was suspecting. So I am good for the moment, but if I understand correctly, for future use I will have to upgrade my steaming to v4l2 or gstreamer. I tried also the gstreamer option, but I don't get it to work. The pix_gs2gem seems to break on runtime and I find the documentation on how to use the components in the right order quite confusing. I will ask Salsaman from LiVES if has plan's for supporting v4l2loopback and hopes that performs better than vloopback in the current kernel.
Is there maybe support for SDL streams in GEM?
Thanks for the support, if you are interested in the result: http://www.facebook.com/vjharriebo.
If I get a working setup that will be supported in the main version, I will document my setup.
Regards, Harrie
On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 3:57 PM, IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig@iem.atwrote: