I would really like to have Gem included in the auto-builds before Ars Electronica, August 31st thru September 5th. A few of us are going to be doing Pd workshops there. Any chance that this could happen?
I'll happily help out where I can, but I don't have time to do it myself. Mostly, there needs to be a platform-independent way of calling the Gem build system from packages/Makefile, in the gem: and gem_install: targets. There are already standard tests when platform- specific things are needed.
The Mac OS X 10.3.9 box is setup and running, the 10.4.7 box is coming soon, probably this week. For GNU/Linux, these are already running: Debian/stable, Debian/etch (both i686), Debian/etch on a G3, Ubuntu/dapper/i686. WinXP/MinGW and FedoraCore4/i686 are almost ready to go too.