Hey All,
In trying to test my pix_rgba bug under linux I realized I can't get gem to load videos anymore.
(cvs updated today)
configures fine, no errors, finds libquicktime and libmpeg3 fine.
On create pix_film and pix_movie print:
pix_film:: quicktime4linux support pix_film:: libmpeg3 support
pix_image works fine.
All I get is a white texture after load, as if the frames are not getting textured at all.
Any suggestions?
This is the same machine I've been running older versions of the CVS without issue...
Thanks Ben
Hey Johannes,
setting the frame manually does nothing, same with "auto 1" etc.. I can't get any pixels out of pix_film and pix_movie.
I also tried ./configure --disable-new and --enable-new without any change.
I am cleaning and rmoving config.cache each time.
I had this exact same issue with my own compile of Gem on OSX, but I've had a lot of issues with compiling it myself in the past and the pixfilm stuff not working. Chris's binary for OSX works fine.
Terrible when you hope for a segfault just to get some insight into a problem!
IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote: