Hi all,
Yes, this email is probably spam for many of you and I apologize in advance. I would like to give back to the community a bit...but I also don't like "polluting" the email list.
As some of you may (or may not) know, I work for Electronic Arts in San Francisco, CA, USA making video games. I got this job and others previously in part due to the work I did creating GEM. A lot of the concepts and ideas which GEM is based on, I use every day creating tools for artists here.
I lead the Central Technology Group here at EA and we are hiring programmers who understand visual programming tools, modular component architectures, real-time graphics, mixed media apps...hmmm...that looks a lot like GEM ;-)
If you are interested, please drop me an email. EA does do relocation for people (including internationally).
Thanks, Mark Danks
Director of Technology Electronic Arts
hey Mark,
This is pretty funny, I did not realize you work for EA. I've known of them for years since I grew up in Vancouver I even sent them a demo real when grade 9! ;)
I'm going to start my masters in Sep 2006 in Vancouver, but I would certainly be interested in being in contact. what kind of stuff do they do in terms of R&D? Is there an office in toronto? Do they have any interest in sponsoring cultural events? I ask because of things like Gem. I'm now in helsinki presenting pixelTANGO for pixelACHE.org, who are partically sponsored by nokia. I've been chatting with chris clepper about a gem master-class at Interaccess.org with possibly ATI as a sponsor, since we are leveraging that industry quite well. I wonder if EA could be interested in some kind of connection to a cultural organization (artist run centre).
Ok I gotta be off for Yves PiDiP workshop.
Hi all,
Yes, this email is probably spam for many of you and I apologize in advance. I would like to give back to the community a bit...but I also don't like "polluting" the email list.
As some of you may (or may not) know, I work for Electronic Arts in San Francisco, CA, USA making video games. I got this job and others previously in part due to the work I did creating GEM. A lot of the concepts and ideas which GEM is based on, I use every day creating tools for artists here.
I lead the Central Technology Group here at EA and we are hiring programmers who understand visual programming tools, modular component architectures, real-time graphics, mixed media apps...hmmm...that looks a lot like GEM ;-)
If you are interested, please drop me an email. EA does do relocation for people (including internationally).
Thanks, Mark Danks
Director of Technology Electronic Arts
GEM-dev mailing list GEM-dev@iem.at http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/gem-dev