Hey all,
I've switched my pix_buffers to YUV in order to save memory.
I would like to save these slots in JPEG files once and a while. I noticed that the memory used by PD increases dramatically if I save the images. If I don't PD uses the same amount of memory.
My theory is that the slots are converted from YUV to RGB in order to be saved. Is there no way to save JPEGs in YUV format, so that the memory use stays low?
I can fit around 6000 images as YUV, more like 2000 in RGB(A).
But I would still like to be able to save the images in the slots without crashing PD.
I'm currently using imagemagick, but would happy switch to libtiff/libjpeg considering the libgphoto/imagemagick conflicts.
Thanks, .b.