* Support for loading video clips and still images with alpha channels intact! ~ (PNG loader for stills, no idea what video formats contain alpha channels?) ~ pix_mask is not so important per-se as long as one can actually use graphics ~ with alpha channels. I've only even used pix_mask for loading images with ~ custom-made masks. Mind you using the RGB channels of one video stream as the ~ alpha of another stream could be very interesting. The most obvious example ~ of this I can think of is using nice pre-rendered Gaussian blurred ~ drop-shadows that still work no matter what is behind them.
* I've made a little test of using the gem-win as an interactive interface ~ surface. Each object calculates its own bounds, taking into consideration ~ position and scaling. Then I convert the pixel coords of the mouse to ~ gemcoords and each object tests if the mouse is on it and then acts ~ accordingly. I've got scale-up rollovers and drag and drop stuff working. ~ This is really ugly though, so I propose an object that returns the bounds ~ (in gem units) in 3D no matter what scaling and rotation objects may be ~ present to mess up the bounding-box. Bounding-box is the first step but ~ ideally I would like to be able to test if a certain coordinate overlaps some ~ part of an object in 3D space. Since a bounding-box does not actually ~ correspond to the surface of an object unless it is a rectangle that can only ~ be rotated by 90 degree increments. I would imagine that the more complex the ~ geo the harder to calculate if a point overlaps? This object could grow into ~ a number of comparison objects for collision detection, testing if objects ~ occlude one and other etc..
* Higher level operations for vertex arrays. It would be great to have ~ operations that effect each vertex differently, like "twist" would rotate the ~ vertices at the top of the model, and the lower the vertex is the less it ~ would be rotated. This maybe solved with some kind of smooth selection of ~ vertexes, where say vertex 1-100 is chosen, but the transformation is ~ strongest on vertex 1 and tapers off when you get to vertex 100. Also I would ~ really like to be able to specify a transformation that is treated by each ~ vertex locally as relative. For exable offset all vertices 0.5 units along ~ its normal to "expand" a model. It would be nice if you could select not just ~ a range but say every third vertex and translate that along its normal to ~ make a spiky shape.
* Target a pix_texture (pbuffer) rather than a gem-window for rendering. ~ (Already in the works)
That is all that is in my head thus far.
I'll post this stuff to the gem feature tracker as well.
Thanks, B.