Hello, Do you know if it is possible to use a [pix_crop] after a [gemframebuffer] (from the right outlet) ? I use the exemple patch in GEM 07-texture 10-framebuffer and i want to put a [gem_crop] on the GEM chain where there is the [square 2]. Any ideas. Thx. ++
Quoting jack@rybn.org:
Hello, Do you know if it is possible to use a [pix_crop] after a [gemframebuffer] (from the right outlet) ?
i know that it is not possible. the right outlet of [gemframebuffer] refers to a texture-object (an abstract entity on the gfx-card representing your image), whereas [pix_crop] will only work with raw data in your main RAM.
I use the exemple patch in GEM 07-texture 10-framebuffer and i want to put a [gem_crop] on the GEM chain where there is the [square 2]. Any ideas. Thx.
have a look at [pix_coordinate]
mfg.afs IOhannes
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