On Jan 18, 2006, at 7:11 AM, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
...cool addition! now it's much easier to do stuff beyond a particle fountain :-) But I noticed something for the to-do list: [part_draw] only outputs 0 in response to [draw point< or [draw line<...however, I wasn't aware that we can just send an [draw $1<, which gives many nice outputs...what is the usable range? (guess I can look in gl.h)
...guess it's time to figure out what I have "laying around on the harddrive" ;-)
james tittle wrote:
well, [part_draw] is really jsut for lines and points. in partlib_opengl.cpp it says:
if(primitive==GL_POINTS) { ... } else { // assume GL_LINES ... }
but for more complex forms we still have [part_render]
mfg.asdr. IOhannes