Hey Stefan,
Zack Settle really wanted a spotlight with shadows, and got Pierre-Oliver Charlebois to write spot_light.
Anyhow I have a test build for OSX for this, and attached is the source.
It works ok, though the shadow edges can be little ugly. And for some reason the "lighting" switch does not work, when this object is compiled in lighting seems always to be switched on. I'm not sure if the author is on here, but the src files contain no log of changes for spot-light and the source looks just looks hacked from "world light" There is a little readme with no email contact.
Anyhow here is it, I've done nothing with it but compile, maybe it can be added to gem proper...
Anyhow Pierre-Oliver if your reading this please subscribe to gem-dev@iem.at and introduce yourself.
As for reflections this seems pretty improbable in real-time.. I've been using something that looks something like reflection with pix_snap2tex feedback. I think most reflections done in real-time are faked.
Stefan Turner wrote:
Hi list,
Are any plans to implement shadows and reflections in GEM? This has been asked a while ago, I'm just wondering if things have changed since then. If not, out of interest, what's the main problem with implementing them, aside from being very CPU-heavy? I think they would both be really cool features.
Thanks Stefan Turner
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B. Bogart wrote:
Hey Stefan,
Zack Settle really wanted a spotlight with shadows, and got Pierre-Oliver Charlebois to write spot_light.
Anyhow I have a test build for OSX for this, and attached is the source.
thanks, i have included it in the CVS (of course i had to change a little bit ;-) e.g. swap the color and parameter inlet to stay compatible with world_light/light and the like)
mfg.ads.r IOhannes