...well, so far so good: no one's having problems with the osx test version...but everyone keeps asking offscreen rendering, which seems to be about rendering different things to different windows...I'm working on an example patch which will show how to do "frustum culled" rendering, where objects are just rendered in different places out of the direction of view of each other, but this isn't doesn't help the idea of pBuffers...
...so, cgc and I chatted last nite, and I'm wondering if it's plausible to add another symbol to gemhead for gemman to manage...the priority system would still be used for rendering order, but the new symbol would be used to determine which output/glcontext the render would go to (kinda like pd's send/receive objects): by default (ie. no extra symbol), output would go to the "main" gemwindow...if there is a symbol, then the output would go to the associated display output: so we'd need to add a symbol to each gemoutput:
[gembuffer offscreen1]: this would be for pBuffer [gemwindow onscreen1]: this would be for primary display [gemdv onscreen2]: this would be a dv stream of the onscreen2 render [gemwindow onscreen2]: this would be for 2nd monitor display
...then the gemheads would be something like the following:
[gemhead 43 offscreen1]: this then renders to a pBuffer [gemhead -1 onscreen1]: this renders to the primary display [gemhead -2 onscreen2]: this renders to the 2nd monitor
...we'd then need the output [gembuffer offscreen1] to allow binding to texture for texturing on objects, which could then perhaps be rendered into another buffer, textured, then rendered into a scene for screen display...
...any obvious problems?