Oki thanx a lot for the answer chris.
buffer 1 works well. In fact i did not know how to use it and did not know that gemhead had to be banged to launch single buffer mode display. As it seems automatic in double buffer mode. By the way, i've done some things with a lot of vertexes (about 4000) displayed in point mode. Im glad it works quite well but something embrassing: the fact that it is using single buffer makes it flicker.
I've compiled a version of the gem dll without the line 1290 (should be) //glClear(m_clear_mask);
I dont see why there should be such an initialisation because we have a quite complete wrapper for opengl. But i can understand why it stands here. Why not setting a particular message to gemwindow that could disable ALL initialisations (buffers, projections, model views, etc...) for a correct use of the wrapper.
If no one does yet, i could do some help files for the wrapper use (i didnt find any)
i'd like to add some extensions functionalities like texture rendering using pixel buffers, i believe that considering that like extensions of the Opengl wrapper, that could be easy ?
i hope that my remarks will be usefull Ronan
----- Original Message ----- From: "chris clepper" cgc@humboldtblvd.com To: "Ronan Puce Muse" r.leboite.pm@birdsinplane.com Cc: "Pd List" pd-list@iem.at; gem-dev@iem.at Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 7:08 PM Subject: Re: [GEM-dev] Some newbie questions (sorry)
You will find the clearing and buffer swapping code in GemMan :: swapBuffers(). To keep the contents of the window from clearing try sending a 'buffer 1' message to the gemwin.
I don't really know what you mean by a 'render object', but GemMan sets up most of the render states and then clears them while individual objects send GL drawing commands in immediate mode. It's really fairly primitive (pardon the pun) right now, but that might change at some point.
On Jul 9, 2004, at 10:19 AM, Ronan Puce Muse wrote:
There is something i dont understand in the gem framebuffer handling. It seems that the frame is cleared, projection reinitialised for each frame. Is that normal ? I personnally want to use precedent images and viewing transformations, is there a way to avoid that ? I've tried to look inside the code but i dont see any glClear commend that could explain that.
I'd also like to code some externals, but i cant figure out the overall gem structure. Is there somewhere a description of the internal structure of Gem ?
this question may be the consequence of my gem ignorance but: why can i find a render object (id like to do multipass rendering, usefull to set render to texture features)
Thanx for the Help Ronan
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