james tittle wrote:
On Feb 4, 2005, at 4:04 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
...so, this is different than what I first assumed: when I first got this stuff working, I thought that all outputs went to the same [gemcontrol], or rather that there would only be one [gemcontrol] per patch...but now, I know this is not the case, and my original thoughts
yes, i think that objects controlling static contexts (uhh, the buzzword again, now in a different "context") are not very pd-like. that's one of the reasons why i wanted [gemwin] to go away.
having several [gemcontrol]s manipulate the same static whatever, makes things a bit better, but still it is not what i really like. (although i think, my talk at pd04 was exactly about "moving static things from [gemwin] to [gemcontrol]...)
need to be amended: fortunately, it seems that most stuff just get shifted from the output module "up" to the associated [gemcontrol]
right, but
...in this regard, we'd have the possibility of multiple [gemcontrol]'s that would would basically take care of everything (ie. background color, viewpoint, framerate,...) except for the actual output; the output would would then be the attached [gemwindow], [gemextwindow], or [gempbuffer], and all attached outputs would do the same graphic, only varying as to which window/screen/offscreen/whatever...
...this moves the earlier idea of symbolic name associations to the [gemcontrol], so we'd have a different [gemcontrol] for each unique output desired...and [gemhead] stays the same, with both a priority and symbolic name association(s)...
right, that's what i was trying to say in one of my last emails.
...this all works fine if everything is running at the same framerate, but like you pointed out in a later email, what happens if two [gemcontrol]'s are running at different frame rates and both pull data from the same [gemhead]?
this is what i meant with "timing issues".
...an easy way around this would be to limit the amount of associations: one [gemhead] can hook/associate with only one [gemcontrol]: if similar [gemhead] functionality is needed for another [gemcontrol], then just duplicate the [gemhead] and change it's symbol association...
i do not like this, as it makes several things unnecessarily complicated. if i want to do stereo-viewing i should not need to build the whole gem-patch double, but i want to be able to just say: "this should go to both screens, but with different viewpoints"
...beyond that, I guess we'd need some universal time keeping mechanism above the level of [gemcontrol], or rather as part of GemMan...this really makes the mind reel! I'd have to think alot more, and me head hoit! :-\
although i dont think that it is (should not be) too complicated, i agree.
mfg.hmm.hmm IOhannes