On Oct 20, 2011, at 4:09 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
On 2011-10-18 21:47, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Hey IOhannes,
I would like to include the latest version of Gem in Pd-extended 0.43. It currently needs a little work. It builds on GNU/linux, but gives a missing symbol (something like _sync_foo_bar).
it builds on "GNU/linux" without the missing symbols as well, else i coulldn't use it myself :-) i assume that this is on some ubuntu flavour (which one), with a certain compiler version (which one) and some special C(XX)FLAGS.
according to the internet, adding something like "-march=i486" to the C(XX)FLAGS should help.
I think that one might be might fault. I made it so it set CFLAGS for Gem in externals/Makefile. I removed that, but haven't tested it again yet.
It doesn't build on Mac OS X 10.5.
what does "latest Gem" mean here? the git version (which is indeed the 'latest') of Gem has the issue fixed. the 'svn' version (both trunk and branch/0.93) and the releases have it not fixed (yet).
if you want/must stick to the current release (which is fair enough) or svn, a very simple workaround would be to add /sw/bin to the beginning of the PATH before calling Gem's autogen.sh
I am waiting on definitive answers on two questions, until then, I'm sticking to the current setup.
- are you dropping support for the Gem SVN?
- are you dropping support for building on Mac OS X 10.5 without Fink?
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