...as usual, I start working on one thing, open up the red book, and find something else missing from Gem! In this case it is a selectable GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE...currently this is auto set GL_MODULATE at the end of pix_texture::setUpTextureState()...of course there are many other possibilities: GL_DECAL, GL_REPLACE, GL_BLEND, GL_ADD, and GL_COMBINE...
...so I'd like to add a message to select between these, and just want to get an opinion on what to call the message: my first thought would be [env $1<, but I guess it could be env_mode or envmode or...?
...also, it seems that this is auto set when rectangle textures aren't available, or if using rectangle textures AND [mode 1<, which doesn't seem right...
thoughts? jamie