Mass edit changing:
- **OS**: w32
ticket: bugs:#199 [pix_film] breaks Pd
- **OS**: --> w32
ticket: bugs:#164 GEM image loading - failure if Quicktime absent
- **OS**: --> w32
ticket: bugs:#157 pix_film/pix_image fail to create on w32 if plugins fail
- **OS**: --> w32
ticket: bugs:#100 pix_film with DS eats up cpu in W32
- **OS**: --> w32
ticket: bugs:#219 text2d bug
- **OS**: --> w32
ticket: bugs:#174 MinGW compiled GemBase crashes
- **OS**: --> w32
ticket: bugs:#179 pix_image broken with some tiffs on Windows
- **OS**: --> w32
ticket: bugs:#91 pix_image doesn't load png files
- **OS**: --> w32
ticket: bugs:#156 imageMAGICK are not working on Win32
- **OS**: --> w32
ticket: bugs:#96 pix_multiblob mem leak
- **OS**: --> w32
ticket: bugs:#154 text is crashing pd/Gem (on w32)
- **OS**: --> w32
ticket: bugs:#175 plugins don't work with MinGW builds
- **OS**: --> w32