Did you delete that libfreetype in /usr/local/lib? Since I can successfully auto-build Gem on two different 10.5/Leopard machines, I am guessing it is something in your setup, especially things like manually installed libs in /usr/local and other places.
On Apr 16, 2008, at 1:29 PM, marius schebella wrote:
chris clepper wrote:
Looking at the file building on Darwin should disable x11, but maybe there is a problem elsewhere in the configure process? This is more of a Zmoelnig quesiton since I use XCode on OSX. If you want a project file I can post it here although it will probably require a fair amount of work to make usable especially if you are not used to Apple's second rate IDE.
no, I am fine, since manually it works. I am only trying to get the autobuilds working and I think project files do not help here. (and I am not familiar with 2nd rate ide neither..) marius.
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 11:49 AM, marius schebella <> wrote: I'm using the makefile that ships with gem. I do cd Gem/src aclocal autoconf /configure --without-x --without-ImageMagick --without-tiff --without-jpeg --without-mpeg --without-mpeg3 --without-ieee1394 --without-aviplay --without-avifile --without-ffmpeg --with-ftgl-includes=/sw/include --with-ftgl-libs=/sw/lib --with-pd=/Users/marius/devel/pd-rsync/pd-extended/pd make I think the makefile is not the problem, but the config process, because I end up with a Make.config that has GEM_LIBS = $(LIBS) -Wl,-framework,OpenGL -L/sw/lib -L/usr/ X11R6/lib -lobjc -lfreetype -lftgl but without -Wl,-dylib_file,/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/ Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib:/System/Library/Frameworks/ OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib which would bout solve a problem that is caused by apple and not gem. so I have to go into Make.config and edit this by hand (which I cannot do when I try to run the autobuild scripts). what I would need is a fix that writes a "correct" Make.config. since this is all an apple problem I am also trying to upgrade xcode and hope that apple fixed the problem in between. marius. chris clepper wrote: On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 10:55 AM, marius schebella < <>> wrote: still getting the same error g++ -o Gem.pd_darwin -dynamiclib -mmacosx-version- min=10.3 -undefined dynamic_lookup -framework QuickTime - framework Carbon -framework AGL -framework OpenGL ./Objects/*.o -L/sw/lib -ldl -lz -lm -lpthread -L/Users/marius/devel/pd-rsync/pd- extended/pd/bin -Wl,-framework,OpenGL -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/sw/lib -lobjc -lfreetype -lftgl ld: cycle in dylib re-exports with /usr/X11R6/lib/ libGL.dylib collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [Gem.pd_darwin] Error 1 iohannes you suggested to add additional flags, but I don't know where. chris you suggested to remove -L/usr/X11R6/lib, but I don't know where. marius. LDFLAGS ? I don't know what your makefile looks like though.
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