Zitat von IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig@iem.at:
I have put a new build up at http://taproot.dyndns.org/~cgc/downloads/Gem.dll
This loads and runs on a machine here without glew or msvc installed.
i have checked it on my girlfriends machine (w2k) and it complained about a missing MSVCP71.dll. a bit of googling lead me to http://download.overnet.org/msvcp71.dll where i downloaded it (put it into %SYSTEM32%) and it loaded fine (haven't done any tests yet)
so i've started a bit of testing, and it seems to run fine. however, i noticed that several objects are missing in this build. while some of them are very new, at least [pix_sig2pix~] is rather old (and i guess they are already in the 0.90 release - no way to test _this_ though)
This is the list of missing objects (i haven't tested the openGL-wrapper yet) gemframebuffer gemtablet GemSplash pqtorusknots glsl_fragment glsl_program glsl_vertex part_sink pix_fiducialtrack pix_hit pix_multitexture pix_sig2pix~ pix_threshold_bernsen pix_vpaint
of course they ought to be added before any release
mfg.asdr. IOhannes