IOhannes m zmoelnig a écrit :
cyrille henry wrote:
en bugs, that are likely to be fixed within the next days?
i just found that pd crash when i try to load bad file with pix_image, after loading a valid file.
"bad files" mean : files that does not exist files that are not jpeg or tiff
i cannot reproduce this on my machine. i just get "/tmp/foo.jpg: not found" and the like.
hum. today, it works. strange. (i just recompil Gem, but did not change anything else)...
which libs is Gem using for image decompression? which versions? do you have magick++-support?
yes, i have magick++, and i did not install it recently. i don't know what could have been change in my system...
it is ubuntu-breezy(?), but which hardware (i686, x86_64, ppc?)
yes : ubuntu breezy, i686.
could you do a backtrace?
sorry, it works now...
thanks Cyrille
mfg.a.dsr IOhannes
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