On May 20, 2005, at 10:40 PM, james tittle wrote:
g++ -c -g -O2 -fPIC -DMACOSX -DYUV -DALTIVEC -fno-builtin -Os -c -faltivec -fno-builtin -falign-loops=16 -funroll-loops -ffast-math -I../ -I/Users/tigital/puredataDev/GemLibs/freetype-2.1.9/include/ -I/Users/tigital/puredataDev/GemLibs/FTGL/include/ -I/Users/tigital/puredataDev/pd-0.38-4/src/ accumrotate.cpp -o accumrotate.o
The -DMACOSX is not needed because the compiler will pick up the __APPLE__ by default. Same with the -DALTIVEC since -faltivec defines __VEC__ anyway. The -O2 and -Os conflict and who knows which is used. Some sort of detection for the host CPU or a way to specify the chip would be nice too although there is a -ffast type flag that covers most of that.
I have no idea about the other stuff.