On 6/8/07, B. Bogart ben@ekran.org wrote:
I think this would be best implimented into the pix_buffer stuff, so that you would choose some frames from a pix chain (not the framebuffer) write them to a pix_buffer, and then save them from there. pix_write is really for writing files from the framebuffer, not from chains...
I wonder if anyone has made a patch that saves the framebuffer with pix_write and also loads that image somehow, not a very easy task...
I vote for "open" and "save" for pix_buffer. I think pix_buffer may already support "open?"
It supports both. This method would work but you have to manage the filenames yourself. There is also the possibility of duplicate or missed frames depending on if the source is driven by Pd messages or the internal GemState.