No problem for the harshness...
Puckette himself told me (by email of course) to use 0.40 when I was wondering why my externals didn't work with Pd 0.39-2 on a Intel Mac. They compiled but then didn't work. Conversely, they did with Win and Linux! Puckette told me there were problems in 0.39 on Mac Intels. But, of course, Pd 0.39-2 starts, and to some degree works on Intel Macs.
Still, note that every external I compiled with previous versions of Pd works also in 0.40 with Windows and Linux. This means that, as I already said, the 0.40 has something new about IMacs, and the 0.39 has something wrong. Not your GEM version! Rather: thank you for it, it's the only actual way to use GEM on Intel Macs... but unfortunately not jointly with my externals...
Sorry for the harshness of the reply. This stuff does work, I use it daily and there is no reason why others could not as well.
On 10/5/06, chris clepper wrote:
On 10/5/06, Stefano Papetti wrote:
But unfortunately it doesn't work with the latest Pd 0.40-0 (the only version actually working on Mac Intels)...
It works absolutely fine with 0.39. I did the damned ports and it has worked on the Mactels here longer than anywhere else and well before 0.40appeared. Please stop saying it doesn't work because you are wrong.