thewade wrote:
I know CVS is bleeding edge so this is just a little feedback. My
unfortunately right now the CVS is rather bleeding than edge. (the anonymous access is really a month or so behind...)
machine is an AMD64 FC4 machine running in 32-bit mode. I am using pd-0.39-1 and Gem from CVS just moments ago (2006-05-07).
I had a working version of Gem installed except that I couldn't get my camcorder to work with pix_video because it was looking at /dev/dv1394 for my device, where as it should be looking at /dev/dv1394/%d, or so I think.
So I download and build the CVS Gem (I also had to ln -s /usr/local/include/FTGL /usr/include/FTGL and remove the -msse2 flag to get the thing to compile).
which compiler are you running (i don't know fc4 that good...)? what where the problems you experienced with sse2? the same ones has hans has reported some days ago??
When I ran PD I got: usr/local/lib/pd/extra/Gem.pd_linux: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/Gem.pd_linux: undefined symbol: glUniform4iARB Gem: can't load library
What can I do to make this work?
get a newer version of openGL! beat your distributor to ship a current version (following the OpenGL-2.0 specs)!
as a quick fix you can however disable the openGL-section of Gem (if you don't need the openGL-wrapper objects) with "./configure --disable-openGL" and eventually delete the shader-related source files (Manips/glsl_* and Manips/*program*) before re-compilinig.
Lastly, but not least, thank you (all) for writing such great software and just giving it away. When I become famous (HA! Or at least get out of debt!) I want to donate a bunch of money to all the opensource packages I use!
mfg.asdr. IOhannes