I have a window of 16/18 ratio (1920x2160 pixels) and a framebuffer with the same dimensions. I try to manage the perspec of the frame buffer but don't really understand how it is working.
usually if i have a 16/9 ratio, I just send for example [dimen 1920 1080, rectangle 1, perspec -1.7777 1.7777 -1 1 1 20( and then I can display things fullscreen with for example [rectangle 7.11111 4]3
here if i keep height as fixed i do: [dimen 1920 2160, rectangle 1, perspec -0.8888 0.8888 -1 1 1 20( but if I try to display a [rectangle 3.55555 4] it is far wider than the window [rectangle 1.8 4] seems closer to what it should look ( I have a [translateXYZ 0 0 -4] before the frame buffer. a square is far wider than expected as well.
So what perspec should I use? Thx in advance,