james tittle wrote:
On Dec 9, 2004, at 6:33 PM, Yves Degoyon wrote:
congatulations, amigo.
...just glad to be able to move forward with what we talked about in bergen!
hi all. sorry for cross-posting....
just for me to get an idea: what have you talked about in bergen ?
just a summary about the gem/pdp-bridge (most is just guessing) [gem2pdp] and [pdp2gem] are there for quite some time (thanks yves) [gem2pdp] is slow (as it needs to grab the render-buffer) [gem2pdp] is somewhat clumsy as you need a gem-window even though you want to produce something in a pdp-window. (this is a problem of Gem)
the "other" idea (tom's) was, to be able to build include pdp-chains within gem-chains; this is: one library would be master, the other one would be slave, as opposed to the egaliterian "bridge"-solution. it might be easier to code if Gem was master (as a first step).
now how to avoid doubling of efforts ?
mfg.a.sdr IOhannes