I would like to compile gem2pdp 0.9 from source on my Ubuntu 10.04 AMD64 pd-extended 0.43.4. My aim is to use gem2pdp with Gem 0.93.3 to have the possibility to use non-english letters with text3d object and combine with pdp.
I checked to find out which folders should be pointed at with ./configure. As configure looks for GemBase.h, pdp.h and probably pd_linux headers. Let me know if I am wrong.
First of all there is no pdp.h header on my computer.or can not locate it. Gem is compiled from source, so I added the folder Desktop/Gem/src/Base as this is where i compiled originally Gem. pdextened is in usr/src/pdextended cimpiled from repository, default folder.
Anyway, whatever I add after my ./configure command it says, the no Pd no Gem source found.
Can anyone find me a way to compile pdp?
Thanks in advance: Popesz