On 2011-10-24 05:31, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Great to hear, Ricardo!
indeed, thanks for volunteering.
No worries about which platform you work on, most of the dev work is for all platforms. All contributions are helpful. A good place to start is bugs like this:
Basically, a lot of help patches have paths to the example media, like images and movies, in the old location. Now, Gem is distributed as a all-in-one folder, so the paths can be updated to be relative paths and they'll work on all platforms and installs.
couldn't have said that better :-) check both the bugs and feature-request trackers for a good start...
the big TODO for 0.94 is window management: partly running code can be found in src/Output, but i still :-( have to write a round-up of how i think it should work in the end and how to try out what is already there
mfgR IOhannes