ok, i finally named this object "gemlist", to be consistent with gemlist_info, and helpfile.
i just commited it.
it is not fully tested yet, please tell me if you've got problem. moreover, i' did not managed to have a clean context test. please look at the code if you wish to help me.
if it's ok for everybody, i'll commit exemples in a few days.
IOhannes m zmoelnig a écrit :
cyrille henry wrote:
this is a lot's of work. is it?
don't know, i haven't started yet :-)
maybe copying the [any] from iem to [gempointer] and included it in Gem source would be the fastest way to have everything to work (?)
(gempointer could be made as an abstraction later, when it will be possible to do it with [list]).
what do you think?
this might be a good idea anyhow, as such an object could check whether the context is setup correctly and whether the state is valid. [any] should be prone to crashes if used incorrectly.
i don't like the name "gempointer" though, as it is inspired by the underlying implementation rather than the concept.
probably [gemcache] or [gemstate] are better names...
fam,rsd. IOhannes