Zitiere guenter geiger geiger@xdv.org:
i just noticed, that you can set the "point of emittance" now, which
even better for moving particle-sources than [part_vertex] (which i won't delete)
cool, I have two suggestions though. I think it would make more sense to combine the domain and the vector (domain parameters) message. Mainly because if I want to change the domain I would like to change the domain parameters too, in one message as "sphere 0 0.2 0 0.3".
well, i'm sure, you most probably will want to change the domain parameters when changing the domain. however, it is likely, that you will want to change *only* the domain parameters and not touch the domain-type itself quite often. so 2 separate inlets make sense. i agree that the "first" of these could eat arguments like "sphere 0 0.2 0 0.3". but how again was the solution to get "anythings" into "right" (not-leftmost) inlets ? i think "list sphere 0 0.2 0 0.3" is even more clumsy than two separate messages "symbol sphere" and "0 0.2 0 0.3" (ok, "symbol sphere" looks clumsy too, but there are ways to generate symbols out of anythings, whereas there are none to convert anythings to lists (in plain pd!))
Can the m_numberToAdd parameter be changed to float (libparticle supports float for this parameter) and will happily emit 1/2 particle per frame.
of course, but since i don't have access to the CVS right now, feel free to change it yourself ;-)
mfg.as.rd IOhannes